The Holy Grail: Fact or Fiction?

The Holy Grail has never been officially found, but two historians found this chalice in a Spanish cathedral that they think is the Holy Grail.

         The Holy Grail is the chalice that was thought to have been used during the first communion at the Last Supper.  It was also used to collect Jesus’s blood during his crucifixion.  Therefore, it is seen as an important relic of Christianity and is thought to have miraculous powers like eternal youth and happiness. 

           While the Holy Grail is important to Christianity, many scholars believe that it does not exist outside of literature.  Instead, many believe that the legend of the Holy Grail stemmed from Celtic mythology involving Cauldrons and the importance of the first eucharist. Others believe that the quests for the Holy Grail were more about developing a better relationship with God than searching for an actual object. 

Arthur and the knights of the round table with the Holy Grail.

           The Holy Grail and the quests to find it are a common theme in medieval literature.  It was thought that only the noblest and most righteous would be able to find the Holy Grail, which made the quest to find it the perfect task for King Arthur and his knights of the round table.  According to Thomas Mallory’s Morte D’Arthur, even though all of the knights wished to discover the Holy Grail, only the knight Galahad was able to discover the chalice because he was pure and chaste, unlike the knight Lancelot who was unable to see the Holy Grail due to his earthly desires.  This shows the importance of being chivalric and kind during the medieval period because only the knight with a pure heart was able to complete his quest.    

           Another Holy Grail legend revolves around Joseph of Arimathea.  The legend states that he was arrested after catching Jesus’ blood in the Holy Grail but was granted immortality and nourishment from the Holy grail while he was in prison.  Then once he had been released, he took the Holy Grail to Glastonbury, England, but the Holy Grail disappeared because people were too sinful.

           Whether the Holy Grail actually exists is up to interpretation.  However, this legend has persisted for centuries because of its affiliation with Arthur and his court.  Due to this legend’s prominence, things that are sought after or exclusive are often referred to as a holy grail, cementing this likely fictional into popular culture.  


“Holy Grail.” Myths Encyclopedia,

Malory, Thomas. Morte Darthur. Translated by Dorsey Armstrong, Parlor Press, 2009. 

Mark, Joshua. “Grail Legend.” Ancient History Encyclopedia, 16 April 2019,

“The Quest for the Holy Grail.” The British Library,

Synan, Mariel. “What is the holy grail?” History, 3 September 2018,